Are you looking for a great deal on your next purchase? Sign up for our Bissell Thrift Shop Loyalty Program and enjoy 30% off your next purchase and 30% off on your birthday. Plus, when you sign up you will instantly get $10.00 in Loyalty Credit!
Want to sweeten the deal further? With every dollar you spend, you can earn 4 cents back in loyalty to use towards future purchases. Which means, every $25.00 you spend you earn $1.00 back in loyalty to use towards future purchases!
Ask one of our shop associates for more details the next time you stop by. We can't wait to see you!
Terms and Conditions:
*Bissell Thrift Shop Loyalty Program is only available in-store. Upon signing up for the loyalty program customers will receive 30% off their next purchase and an email welcoming customer to program. 30% off discount must be used within 90 days from the date customer receives the welcome email. Email must be presented to staff upon purchase to receive the discount. 10-dollar loyalty credit only applies to new customers who confirm their details on their customer profile via the welcome email or using the QR code on the sale receipt.
*Offer only valid on your birthday. To verify your birthday, you can either show photo ID at time of purchase or add your birthday details to your customer profile in-store. If your birthday falls on a day we are closed, offer is valid the previous and next business day